Photo Enforcement: Ten Changes Needed

THE SHORT VERSION: Currently our provincial and municipal governments are reviewing photo enforcement. This is good: I have deep concerns about our current implementation of photo traffic enforcement. Anything which causes the distrust and anger at government that photo enforcement causes needs to be re-evaluated. However, my experience and in-depth study of academic literature leads me to believe that it does play a role in enhancing safety. I do not support the elimination of photo enforcement. However, I do have ten changes I would like to see made to our traffic enforcement programs. Some changes revolve around deployment of enforcement, others around its oversight and communication. I want to give our citizens reason to trust that photo enforcement is about safety, not revenue.

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An Accessible Grande Prairie

Today I took part in Chair Leaders. This is a program by Spinal Cord Injury Alberta which allows community leaders to see what it is like to use a wheelchair... I’ve always felt that accessibility is important, but this experience gave me a more concrete perspective on “why” and "how." It also opened my eyes to how challenging it is. I’m excited to share some thoughts, experiences and ideas.

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Guest UserComment
Engaging Our Young People

THE SHORT VERSION: Having a supportive and attractive community is important for our young people- they deserve a great community to grow up in. It is also important for our sustainability. For long term community health, we need to invest in our next generation of workers, business owners, volunteers, parents, and civic leaders. One of the best ways we can care for our youth is by giving them opportunities for engagement. I want to see this happen by involving them in City decisions, gathering accurate information about what is going on in their world, supporting the great youth organisations we have, and by giving young people opportunities to get involved in sport, recreation, and cultural activities. However, engagement is also about leadership. We need leaders who are optimistic about the future, who earn the right to lead young people, and who invite youth into the democratic process.

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