Strategic Retreat

I was asked about our recent Strategic Planning Retreat to Jasper. Rather than make a long Facebook comment with no formatting, I thought a blog post would be easier to read. Below is what the retreat was about. As always, any opinions and errors belong to me and me alone.

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Help me with homework! Strategic Priorities

Council often feels like school: I write a lot, I read even more, and most of my time is spent showing up places to learn something new. This week the illusion was made complete when I was given homework. It even has the same deadline I toiled under for most of college: 4:30pm on Monday. Since I also have a Super Bowl to watch, want to help me out?

My task (a long with the rest of Council): figure out what we feel Grande Prairie needs to do to be a successful community. And we have been tasked with expressing that in a specific format. I'd love to see you take a shot at it!

What are 5 one or two word phrases you think should be the strategic priorities for our City? To make sure I understand them, I’d also love to hear a few results you would hope to see coming out of these priorities. For bonus points, put them in order of priority (high priority first).

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