Current Cannabis Bylaws

On Monday night Council had an eventful meeting… The big business of the night was cannabis. 12 delegations presented their views. It was a diverse group which included potential retailers and producers, citizens supportive to a liberal approach to legalization, citizens asking for a cautious approach, and citizens adamantly opposed to legalization. Then Council got into bylaw debate- all four bylaws before us were passed.

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Guest UsercannabisComment
Bus Service to Edmonton?

Yesterday, Greyhound announced that it will be ceasing service to Western Canada in October. Click here for a CBC article.

This is disappointing and scary news to many who rely on the service to get between Grande Prairie and Edmonton. I hope a private company comes forward to provide take over this service. But if one doesn't, should government get involved? Is this service a big enough public good that taxpayers should ensure it exists? If so, is it solely a provincial responsibility? Or should the City of Grande Prairie offer resources to ensure our residents have access to affordable and safe transportation between Grande Prairie and Edmonton?

I honestly don't know where I stand on this. But I've asked to have conversation about it added to Council's Community Living Committee agenda on Tuesday. I’d love to hear your thoughts to inform our discussion.

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Update: June 18th Cannabis Bylaws

On Monday night Council had an eventful meeting… The big business of the night was cannabis. 12 delegations presented their views. It was a diverse group which included potential retailers and producers, citizens supportive to a liberal approach to legalization, citizens asking for a cautious approach, and citizens adamantly opposed to legalization. Then Council got into bylaw debate- all four bylaws before us were passed.

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