Budget 2020: 5 Things to Know

Council just approved the budget for 2020. I’m very happy with the work that went into it….

Here are five key things to know about Budget 2020:

  • It has big investments in roads and safety

  • ~$4.5 million will be lost to senior levels of government

  • Downtown Rehabilitation will continue in 2021

  • Big savings were found throughout the City

  • Taxes are down this Council term

Following is more information…

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Dylan BresseybudgetComment
Budget 2020: Where We've Come and My Priorities

Tomorrow, Council heads into deliberations concerning Budget 2020. This is the third budget our current City Council will be setting. And it will be a very difficult one….

As with any large organisation, there is still room for efficiency in the City. We’ll continue figuring out how to use City resources better. But, we don’t have anywhere near the same potential savings as was possible last year. As always, inflation adds annual costs to the City. And in 2020, provincial and federal changes are creating holes worth millions of dollars in the City budget.

I do not see how Council could set a 2020 tax decrease, or even hold taxes where they are, without reducing some services delivered by the City. At the same time, controlling the tax burden is a big concern. Through budget deliberations, the predominant conversation will be, “in light of significant increased costs to the City, how can we balance maintaining quality services with charging reasonable taxes?”…

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Dylan BresseybudgetComment
Budget 2020: Impacts of Provincial and Federal Decisions

Next week, Council will be debating Budget 2020. Recently, I wrote about what we heard from the public regarding the budget. In this post, I’ll be writing about the impact provincial and federal decisions will have on the City’s budget.

There are many changes happening at the provincial and federal levels. Because of these, the City will need to make up for millions of dollars in lost revenue and increased costs between 2019 and 2020. This lost revenue will have an impact on local services and/or taxes.

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Budget 2020: Public Feedback

One of my biggest focuses on Council has been increasing opportunities for public engagement. As Council heads into deliberations for Budget 2020, I’ve been excited to see new efforts to involve residents.

City administration has prepared a report with what it has heard about the budget. You can read it here.

Here are the observations I’ve made from reading this report:

  • For respondents, good services are a higher priority than lowering taxes

  • Most City services are providing satisfactory results

  • People need to be shown better value for their tax dollars

  • Roads and public safety should be top priorities

  • Snow removal needs attention

  • Policing needs continued attention

Following is more information about how people were invited to engage in the budget process and expanded explanations about the take-aways I see from their responses.

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