Budget 2021: Five Questions

This week, Council will be debating Budget 2021.

The Budget is Council’s most important work. It touches on absolutely everything the City does. So, I’m looking forward to our conversation!

Our staff have done a great job creating a Budget Book that clearly outlines City administration’s proposed revenues and spending. You can see it here.

Following, I lay out the five questions I think will receive the most conversation and debate from Council.

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Medical Model Supportive Housing Project

Council is currently discussing a medical model Supportive Housing Project. This project would put people dealing with cognitive disabilities and mental health challenges into a residential building with on-site medical care and social workers.

Council received a recommendation to locate this project on 105 Ave in South Avondale. I’m supportive of the concept of Supportive Housing, but am very far from convinced that this is the correct location.

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Dylan BresseyComment
Police Budgets

“Defund the police!”

“Get more RCMP boots on the ground!”

Those are two requests I have heard a lot lately. They are both said passionately and frequently. They also seem contradictory.

But I don’t know if the people making these requests want contradictory outcomes. At the heart of both these requests is a recognition that our police system should be better than it is. And there may be changes that make it work better for everyone.

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Keep Big, Secretive Money Out of Local Elections

I hope that you will write your MLA and tell them you care about local democracy. Because today the Minister of Municipal Affairs tabled Bill that will allow for more money and more secretive money to be part of our local elections.

Today, Bill 29 was introduced. It sets out to make changes to the Local Authorities Election Act. You can read the government news release here. The release promises to “level the playing field” for local elections. But, in reality, Bill 29 will disadvantage candidates who refuse to take large, secretive donations. It will give candidates without personal wealth a HUGE disadvantage. And if I run again, it will give me an even larger incumbent advantage than I already have. This is all very bad news for local democracy.

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Dylan BresseyComment