Alberta's Voice in FCM

This is disappointing news to me: Bonnyville will be leaving the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)...

Some [municipal leaders] are providing effective opposition to our energy industry. These can't be the only municipal voices that get heard. Alberta's municipal leaders also need to make their voices heard. And taking part in FCM is a crucial part of having our say….

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Dylan BresseyComment
-Nasty Politics Impacting Grand [sic] Prairie

Politics can be nasty. It gets all of us angry at times.

The thing that gets me the most angry: when mis-truths or outright lies are told, especially when they impact our most vulnerable residents. I’m sad to see an attack ad going around that does just that to the people of our community.

Due to this ad, I’ve had people contact me in fear of services they rely on being cut. The problem? There are services this ad says will receive “big cuts,” but which will have their budget preserved (and sometimes increased) going into 2020. Vulnerable Grande Prairie residents are being scared by mis-truths. That isn’t acceptable….

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Dylan BresseyComment

I've seen some conversation about pickleball. The complaint of some: "why would you invest in that when the budget is tight?"

In response, I'd say: "if we want both long term fiscal health AND a great City to live in, this is exactly the type of project we should be investing in…."

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Dylan BresseyComment